How do you sum up your entire personality into a few paragraphs and photos?
What I can tell you is that I’m totally quirky. That I love people. That I adore my family (I have a 2 year old and one more on the way!). That I’m a birdwatcher. That I love hosting house parties. That I actually enjoy cloudy weather and I love drinking wine with my friends. That I’m married to the love of my life and we are soooo nerdy together. That I think pets are awesome and I’m obsessed with my rescue greyhound and senior cat. That I paint sometimes when I feel sad or inspired. That I’m definitely an extrovert and the worst part about my job is being alone on my computer during the day. That I like to make people laugh. That I compulsively change my hairstyle every few months (currently blonde!). That I love personality tests (I’m an Enneagram 3w4 and ENFP!). That I’m terrible at running but I LOVE lifting weights. That people often tell me that I talk too fast. That traveling fills me with a joy that I cannot explain. That I’d rather be outdoors or reading a novel (or fantasy romance). That I have a weakness for cheese, homemade chocolate-chip cookies, and almost anything spicy. That someday I want to write a book. That I absolutely adore making people feel beautiful.
I believe that we are all infinitely complex beings. To simplify a person to a collection of their interests is to lose all the beautiful in-betweens that they share with the world. The way they look when they laugh without abandon; the sarcastic comments they say to their close friends; the tone of their voice when they are nervous but trying not to show it – these are the little things that make us unique. These are the little things I want to try to show you in my photos: the momentary beauty in the subtleties of this world.
So, who am I? I’m someone who wants to get to know you better. I want you to trust me so that I can see you, see your love story, see the way that you live your life and document it all in the most honest and beautiful way that I can. I’m looking to work with people who share a love for gorgeous, authentic images who want to collaborate with a photographer who feels more like a friend than a stranger. If you think I might be the right person to take your pictures, please reach out to me!
I’m very active on Instagram and that’s a great place to creep on my daily life, adventures, and most recent work. Say hi!
Photo credits above - first two photos: Catalina Jean, third photo: Alexandra Grace Photography, fourth photo: Hilde of Sidebar Design