Ramie and Joe | Boise Wedding Photography
It all started with a trucker hat. When Ramie was a sophomore in high school, she went to see The Ataris in concert with a few friends. She was going through what her sister calls “her wannabe punk rock stage” and she was dressed to fit the part - trucker hat and all. Thank god she was, because her best friend had the same idea. The EXACT same idea, to be precise. Somehow they had managed to dress in perfectly identical outfits and they looked like twins, right down to their matching trucker hats. While walking around the concert, Joe noticed the pair of identical outfits and just had to say something to them. They spent a few minutes talking to each other, but as rock concerts tend to go, they got separated and lost in the crowd. As the night wore on, Ramie’s friend rocked a little too hard, and somehow lost a shoe. I’m sure you can guess who happened to find it. Just like a modern day Cinderella, Joe found the shoe and found its owner, giving him a chance to see Ramie one more time. A few weeks later, trucker-hat-free Ramie ran into Joe in the halls of her high school. She was too nervous to talk to him (he was way too cute) and so she asked her friends to spy on him while she passed him swiftly in the halls. Eventually, after a lot of awkwardness, Ramie and Joe finally worked up the nerve to hang out with each other. Ramie invited Joe to a hockey game. Joe was excited to have found a girl that liked watching hockey, but failed to realize that Ramie’s invitation was actually to watch HER play hockey. Joe just thought she stood him up. Whoops. Finally, after the hockey incident resolved itself, Ramie and Joe went on their first “real” date to… yet another rock concert! And well, the rest is history. They’ve been together for over 7 years, through thick and thin, over thousands of miles while Ramie was at OSU and Joe was still in Idaho, never faltering in their love for one another, growing out of their punk rock stages and into adulthood. Ramie and Joe were married on June 24, 2011 in Boise, Idaho at the Idaho Botanical Gardens. I got to Boise at 9am and then flew back to Portland at 7pm, so I was only in the city for about 10 hours, but it was 10 hours of pure awesome, I can certainly say that. Ramie and her friends actually picked me up from the airport themselves, and then we all went out for breakfast before doing anything else. It was a great way to start a great day

And yes, Ramie wore a Vera Wang gown. I almost started drooling.

Ramie’s gorgeous shoes were from Baker’s

After we all had breakfast, we head over to Visual Effects for hair. The ladies there were so nice, they were even able to squeeze in Ramie’s sister Fairlee for a last minute hair appointment

Ramie has the most beautiful smile – even without makeup she lit up the room
When she was done getting her hair ready, Ramie and her best friend Priya drove over to the Mac at the mall in Boise to get their makeup done
Once Ramie was all made up, we had some fun driving back over to her parent’s house in Eagle, and then heading over to the venue. We got there just in time! Everyone was so excited to see Ramie in her dress
Ramie’s two sisters, mom and brother were all in the room together being adorable. They have such a beautiful, close family

Before we knew it, it was time for the ceremony in the gardens to begin. Everything looked so bright and beautiful under the Idaho sunshine
Joe saw Ramie for the first time walking down the aisle. You could instantly see how happy he was
I caught the two sneaking glances at each other during the ceremony – so adorable
Kiss the bride

After the ceremony there were a lot of hugs, kisses and happy tears
I quickly took the majority of the family pictures at this time – here’s a few

Joe has a HUGE family, haha

When we were done with that, I had the pleasure of photographing the bride and groom alone for the first time. Oh my gosh, it was incredible. These two look like they are destined for greatness (and Vogue)
I also took a few photos of the wedding party in the shade. Did I mention that the Botanical Garden was incredible?? It was
After a while, everyone started getting pretty hot and hungry, so we headed to the 36th Street Garden Center and Bistro for their reception. It was a beautiful place: part bistro, part plant nursery. I was smitten
I loved the details of the vintage lemonade straws and everything else
After everyone ate, Ramie and Joe’s families gave the most speeches I have ever seen at a wedding, but each family member had everyone laughing and crying at the same time with the amount of emotion they were sharing.
And the couple received a table full of goofy, sentimental gifts
When the speeches were done, I grabbed a few more family portraits while the light was beautiful
I have to say, Ramie’s parents were so incredibly amazing to me. I was so sad that I had to leave early to catch a plane – I wanted to stick around and learn more about these fabulous people

Got a few shots of just Ramie – such a stunner

And of course, a few parting shots of the couple together in the evening light before I had to go
Ramie and Joe, I will never forget the day I spent in Boise with you! You are both so kind, so beautiful, so smart, and most of all, so perfect for each other. I know that you are going to have a long and happy life together, and I am so pleased that I was there to document the beginning of it. Congratulations!