Joe and Erica | Portland Fashion Photography
I’m a list person. I’m constantly drowning in sticky notes. One of the things that has been on my “long term to-do list” for awhile now is to do some test shoots with off-camera lighting since it’s something I don’t use all that often during weddings or portrait shoots. What can I say? I love me some natural light. I go gaga for it. I’m always on the hunt for it - that perfect evening glow that I love oh so much. The idea of making my own light almost seems like cheating somehow. But it’s also wonderfully fun. And it’s always good to mix things up from time to time. So lately, I have been. My good friend Peter Chee (who works for Powers Studio) met with me at the West End Theatre to help me orchestrate the shoot. Joe and Erica both drove up from Corvallis to model for us. They are good friends of mine who I have shot before and I knew they’d be perfect (and patient with me) for this sort of thing. We started off with some basic headshots and portraits, playing around with the lights in a studio environment
And then we moved upstairs to do some more storytelling. Admittedly this next set was by a ton of bay windows so we didn’t use need to use the lights for those… (the light was gorgeous as it was!) but for all the rest of the photos we did
Thank you Joe, Erica and Peter for working with me!