Jeffrey and Amanda | Newport Wedding Photography

This might be the most unconventional wedding I have ever photographed, and I loved every minute of it. Why? Because Amanda and Jeffrey did everything their own way. They threw tradition out the window and had the wedding that THEY wanted. Because really, when you get down to the core of it, a wedding is just a party celebrating your love with your family and friends. So why not do what you want? To these two, what they wanted was simple and beautiful. Although they are both from the state of Georgia, Amanda was stationed in Newport, Oregon for several years while serving in the Coast Guard, so the city has special meaning to her. Together with their immediate family and a few close friends, the couple decided to rent an awesome beach house at the Yaquina Head, and have a small “guerrilla” ceremony down on the beach under the lighthouse. 14 people, no permits, 5 minutes of vows, an exchange of rings and a promise to spend forever together, til death or zombies do they part. The rest of the day was spent basking in some unexpected Oregon Coast sunshine, playing with children, laughing with their siblings, drinking delicious beer and eating incredible food (catered by A Posto). It was all so… real. An honest take on the way families interact, watching the way fathers play with their sons and grandmothers hug their grandchildren. As the day came to the end, we all took a little tour of the Coast Guard Station where Amanda used to live and work. It was such a unique experience to see the boats and facilities, and especially to witness the smile creeping across Amanda’s face as she reminisced in the time she spent there. Congratulations you two. It was an honor to get to spend this day with you