Alex and Ben | Oregon Coast Engagement Photos
Oh gosh, I don’t even know where to start with this one. I guess at the beginning. From my own perspective. Alex has been my friend for almost 10 years now. We went to high school together and during our senior year we were co-editors in chief of our high school newspaper. We spent many long hours bonding while writing editorials, proofing pages and making sure our little staff didn’t self-implode over drama. Goooood times. But let’s not forget all the conversations we had about boys. There were plenty. As we got older, Alex went to USC and I went to OSU, so I didn’t get to see her as much. But still, once or twice a year we would hang out when she was in town and have a non-stop gab fest about life and work and school and the ridiculous men in our lives at any given moment. The good, the bad, the ugly. (All you women out there, you know there is a lot of bad and ugly in your early 20s. There just is.) But then it happened. She met Ben. And suddenly there was no more bad. None. Zilch. Zero. To this day she has never said one bad thing about this guy. When she first talked to me about him I was almost speechless because he sounded so amazing and so much better for her than anyone else she had ever met. I knew he was the one even before I had ever met him. She practically glowed every time she mentioned him. I knew. She knew. Her family knew. It was meant to be. So when she told me the story of how he secretly flew to Portland this spring one weekend while she was home, got her whole family in on it, and asked her to marry him amongst the beautiful roses at the Portland Rose Garden, we definitely both started to cry a little bit. Because I am so unbelievably happy that my good friend gets to end up with a man as perfect for her as this. And when I FINALLY met this fellow three weeks ago and spent a whole afternoon frolicking around on the Oregon Coast with the two of them, it only solidified how great they are together as a couple. I absolutely cannot wait for when I see them next: at their wedding in Mexico!!
Congratulations on your engagement you two!! So insanely happy for you and so excited to be your photographer!