Kala and Josh | Portland Engagement Photos

“Why are you leaving, beautiful?” Josh asked Kala as she walked to the door to leave the P1P2 Pharmacy mixer. Kala felt like Bambi in the headlights. She did the first thing that came to her mind. She ran away. “I don’t even know you!!” she yelled, slamming the door in his face as she made her escape. Little did she know that this was the man she was going to marry. Fast forward a bit, and Kala was living in Tillamook (her hometown) and Josh got assigned a rotation there at the same hospital as her. They got to know each other and started hanging out. He asked her to be his girlfriend in Pacific City on a stormy night, and then proposed to her in the same place again this June on the exact same day that I was there shooting Slater and Laura’s wedding on the beach! Such a funny coincidence! Anyway, these two are smart, adventurous and fun, and I am really happy to be working with them! We started this shoot near Kala’s apartment in John’s Landing, then drove down to Canby to have a little picnic at a dahlia farm, and then finished up shooting along a river and in a few random spots as the sun set. I had a blast chasing the light and playing this shoot by ear – especially when we pulled over at the very last second to take the photo with the rising moon. I love love love when couples trust me enough to hop out of the car at dusk just to get the perfect shot! I can’t wait for their wedding next summer