Tamra and Luke | Mt. Hood Engagement Pictures

I met Tamra back in college at Oregon State, and she is actually quite the talented photographer herself! I was insanely excited when she contacted me about shooting her wedding and engagement photos, and even MORE happy when she told me she wanted to take the photos up on the mountain! Why? Because I am a wee bit obsessed with the whole Oregon-in-the-winter kind of photoshoot, and I LOVE going on adventures with people! This day certainly didn’t disappoint either. We drove up Mt. Hood, took random turns on random roads, almost fell in a river, teetered on the edge of multiple cliffs, got our feet wet playing in the snow, dodged cars on the highway, climbed up a mountain of chopped down trees, almost fell into ANOTHER river, and probably drove around 200 miles through some of my most favorite places in the state. What I am trying to say is this: The shoot was awesome. See for yourself