Caitlin and Brendan | Salem Engagement Pictures

It was raining. Caitlin and Brendan were at an OSU football game and Brendan had been playing in the band all day. But instead of leaving afterwards, Brendan and a few band members broke out into a special tune: Disney’s “A whole new world.” Because Caitlin’s life was about to change forever. Brendan got down on one knee after the song and asked her to be his wife in front of everyone. And she said yes. I was insanely happy for her when I saw her announcement and even MORE happy when she emailed me asking me to take her wedding and engagement photos! You see, I photographed one of Caitlin’s best friends wedding this summer, I’m shooting her other best friends wedding in March, and now I get to shoot Caitlin’s as well! I went to high school with all three girls and it has been so fun to document their individual love stories and friendships! Anyway, just as Caitlin’s proposal happened in the rain, her engagement photos did too. But it was a beautiful misty NW day in the Salem area, and we had a blast despite the damp conditions! Gotta love Oregon! Congrats you two