Trisha and Kurt | Portland Wedding Photography

Trisha and Kurt | Portland Wedding Photography

It was basically the most perfect fall day you could ever ask for. Sunshine streamed through the trees at the historic Ainsworth House as Trisha and Kurt tied the knot under a massive pine tree. As they kissed for the first time as a married couple, the music started. Bum bum bum BUM bummm… …it was the Star Wars theme song. Yes, Trisha thought of everything, and that included surprising Kurt at the alter with that tune. He broke down into tears for the first time all day and I got chills watching it all unfold. So much happiness. The rest of the night was filled with pie, dancing, laughter, booze, more pie, more dancing, and all sorts of fun. It was my last wedding of the season and by golly it was a magnificent one. I cannot thank these two enough for working with me! Congratulations Trisha and Kurt
