Brittany | Jenner Portrait Photography
There are some people you meet in life who leave a lasting impression due to their personalities. Brittany is one of these people. She is one of the most overwhelmingly positive people I have ever met. It’s inspiring. She takes risks with her life, is extremely passionate about what she does and who she knows, and does everything with this massive smile on her face and a warm, friendly demeanor. When things get hard, she doesn’t complain – she always seems to look on the bright side. It is so admirable and such a wonderful characteristic to have in a friend. She’s the girl who joined me on my travels through Thailand last year (the PERFECT travel buddy), and now she’s working her butt off in San Fransisco for a startup she believes in. I spent a few days with her while I was down in the Bay Area a few weeks ago, and we did this impromptu shoot at one of my most favorite places in the world at Goat Rock Beach near Jenner, California. It was marvelous.