David and Ana | Iceland Engagement Photos
One of the most beautiful things about traveling is that you never know what’s around the corner, what’s beyond the horizon, and who will join you on your next adventure. As I was traveling around Iceland a few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I randomly stayed at a beautiful hotel in Akureyri (The Countryhotel Sveinbjarnargerdi – highly recommend it if you are ever there!) and we met David and Ana, a gorgeous couple who works there (David is actually the head chef). They are originally from Portugal, and we had the pleasure of hanging out with them for a few days and getting to hear a little bit about their life story, how they ended up in Northern Iceland, and how they’ve been together for something like seven years. It was SO much fun. They both have such fantastic senses of humor and it was a blast to wander around with them, freezing our butts off in the frozen, snowy north. This shoot at Godafoss was one of my favorite photoshoots I’ve ever done in my life (and quite possibly the coldest) and I still can’t stop thinking about how awesome it was to make friends with these guys. I know they live half a world away, but hopefully our paths will cross again at some point! So excited for you two and what the future holds for you!