Mel and Jason | Oregon Coast Couples Photos
I was too busy oohing and ahhing over the perfect moody skies to notice what they actually meant. I live for gorgeous, dark, stormy weather. I love the way deep clouds look in my images. I love the mood it creates. I love how truly Oregon it feels. What I don’t love is when the beautiful, perfect clouds turn out to be an insanely dangerous storm that hits right as we are teetering on a picturesque cliff over the ocean. When the beautiful, moody clouds kick up winds that feel somewhere close to 70mph, blast us with stinging rain and sand, and freeze us to the core as we make the long walk back to the safety of our cars. Yes, I should have seen this one coming. But I was too locked in happy-photographer land. Watching as Mel and Jason walked perfectly in sync, laughing together, dancing together and holding each other close as the storm drew nearer. When the wind and rain stopped us in our tracks, I was worried the whole day was a bust. That we hadn’t had enough time to make the images I wanted. That we had driven all this way for nothing. I was wrong. Perfection came from imperfection. Life doesn’t always go as planned. But with the right person by your side, it doesn’t matter. Everything will be perfect in the way it’s meant to be