Cloyce and Logan | Columbia Gorge Engagement Photos
Wow, I have not blogged in WAY too long. I’m about 50 shoots behind or so, but better late than never right?! As 2016 winds down I’m finally ready to get this blog back up date! Can’t wait to share LOTS of new work with you! Anyway, I’ll start with these two! We woke up way too early in November and made our way to the Columbia River Gorge as the sun slowly emerged from the fog. It was spectacular – hands down one of the most beautiful days I’ve ever seen there, and I have been there many, many times! Cloyce and Logan were 100% down to wade through freezing water to get to my favorite spots, watch me fall over multiple times while climbing through bushes, and then follow it all up by getting absolutely soaked in a waterfall at around 9am on a cold, cold morning. Aka THEY WERE AWESOME. I had so much fun getting to know them! They were so in love and happy to be there experiencing this gorgeous place together. Thank you so much for working with me you two